A Marvelous Collections of ready-made Business Module.

Get this software licenses for entrepreneurs and start-ups. Our main goal is to provide software to entrepreneurs at a low cost.

Product Features

Enjoy Our Key Features.

There are many reason why you choose podlive For your system. Here Some of our valuable features.

Live TV

Internet Live TV" refers to the ability to watch live television channels or streams over the internet.

Live Streaming

Live streaming is real-time broadcasting of audio or video content over the internet.

Video Uploading

video files from a local device or computer to a remote server or online platform.

Multiple Channel Categories

In the context of broadcasting, particularly in the television and internet streaming industries.

Used Firebase Backend

Firebase backend streamlines app data, ensuring efficient storage, retrieval, and real-time updates.

Google AdMob

It's allows mobile app developers to monetize their applications by displaying ads within their apps.

Android & iOS Included

Both mobile app development, iOS & Android share founding principles of software

All Source Code

Source code is the fundamental component of a computer program that is created by Appdevs

Online Documentations

Explore more Documentation content · Clean Code. Explore more Clean content

Our Usable Tools

An Amazing Collections of Tools

We have used those latest technologies and framework for developing item.


Modern Design

We create some modern style and tools in this app.


Responsive Design

This app is fully responsive with dynamic assets.


Easy To Customize

Anyone can easily customize this app very easily.


Effective Interface

We create effective interfaces by avoiding unnecessary elements.



We used flutter for mobile app making development faster traditional.



We used Dart for client-optimized language for developing fast apps.



We used java for android mobile app design & development.



We used kotlin for safety, clarity, and tooling support.



We used swift for quickly, accurately, and securely send.



We used figma for create high-quality designs quickly and efficiently.


Adobe Xd

We used adobe xd for creating wireframes for digital products.


Google Font

We used Google Fonts for easy customization & design.


Contact Form

Clients can easily contact us through the contact form.


Well Documented

User can easily customize this site through our documentation.


Clean Code

Writing clean and maintainable code is a skill.


Awesome Support

We provide live customer support as well as you need.


Item Requirements For Use.

Must needed things to run business with this item.

Business Name & Logo

Need own business name & logo for identity.

Android App

Need console account for publishing app on PlayStore.

iOS App

Need console account for publishing app on AppStore.

Google AdMob (Optional)

Need Create at least one ad unit and put it in your app.

Editors (Optional)

Need VS Code or Android Studio etc for local run.

SEO (Optional)

Need own SEO specialist for builup site.

Advertisement (Optional)

Need promote their site on Facebook & Google Ads.


Licenses Overview

If your project involves any kind of commercial use, resale, or charging end-users, the Extended License is essential to ensure you’re using the product legally and can grow your business without restrictions. The Regular License is only suited for personal projects where no financial gain is involved.

Regular Licenses

$19 Best for individual projects, non-commercial use, and personal development.

For personal or individual projects

Cannot be used to create a product for resale

For personal use, cannot be distributed to others

Cannot charge end-users for the product

Ideal for individuals or businesses with internal use

Full customization allowed for personal use.

Includes standard support and updates

Lower price due to personal use restrictions

Extended Licenses

$299 Ideal for commercial use, such as reselling or creating products for end customers.

For commercial projects

Can be used to create a product for resale

Can be distributed as part of a commercial product

You can charge end-users for the product

Suitable for developers creating commercial products

Full customization allowed for commercial resale

Includes extended support and updates for commercial usage

Higher price reflecting commercial usage rights